Our Programs - Child rights & Child protection

Child rights & Child protection

The African child faces numerous challenges in their growth and development and, most of them are exposed to vulnerability. Through Children’s Act 2021 and Basic Education Act 2014 the principle of child inclusion to have a strong foundation.

SUED takes cognizant to mentor and nurture youth in schools to take their rightful position in development of their communities, in recognition of the rights of the child. This contributes to UN SDG 5 to end all forms of discrimination against women and girls.

Awareness and capacity building on Child rights and Child Protection– There isn’t much talked about rights in schools. Awareness of Child rights & Child Projection is key for both teachers and learners to understand and to be able to claim these rights and to speak out whenever those rights are infringed.
SUED gives training in collaboration with the Advisory Council Children Services. We brings teachers from neighboring schools and train them together so they learn from each other, and we train parents and student on child rights. In school we create child protection clubs for students. Child Services recognizes that our approach really helps to reduce issues over child abuse in schools.

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