Our Core Team

Moses Kirui

Program Coordinator and Interim CEO

Moses is passionate in working with communities, Schools and Environment.

He is responsible for designing and implementing organization system strengthening program that is aimed at improving schools management practices in Partner Government Primary and Secondary Schools. Additionally he over sees Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning and Safeguarding Function.

Since 2016, Moses has demonstrated a high level of professionalism and leadership abilities which is evidenced by SUED milestones and Network the organization has built. Has successfully managed pilot projects which evidenced positive outcomes.

Moses is a team player and believes in hard work. He is both a “great leader” and a “great doer”. As a lifelong learner, he believes that to be effective in his role is to adopt a positive growth mindset and continuously learn and adopt new way of doing things through self-study, learning from team members, communities and work experience.

Kirui is passionate in selfless giving to solve the world’s biggest challenge, improving the culture of reading and empowering communities with an eye on a generation that embraces Values while taking good care of the environment they live in. Through books he believes every child

Faith Wanjiru

Volunteer Project Assistant

Faith joined SUED in 2023, she is passionate about the rights and welfare of young people and women as they are often affected by social economic and cultural factors in many societies especially in Africa.

Faith will support the strengthening of family income program while mainstreaming environment in Livelihoods Activities.


Nick Kibiwott

Volunter Social media and communications assistant

Joined SUED in March 2023 with expertise in systems security and innovation.

Nick is motivated by his interest in social and environmental causes that work using technological
system approach. He is always interested in hearing about different ideas and meeting new challenges.
He loves a challenge and to see great ideas come to fruition.

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